Saturday, February 21, 2015


I've skipped the past two days. Why? Well, being tired and very busy mostly translated into no time at all for writing. I have no idea what I did on Thursday evening, though. My memory of that evening has faded. Wow... Right now i can't imagine what i did that evening. Oh right, i did the second day in my yoga challenge and something happened that i was too tired for anything else. Yesterday i went to the launch of a really nice event, full of kids and a few older guys, my first hackathon. Sure, i can't really contribute with actual code, but i can find out information and make pretty icons, which i did all day today. Somehow we found a nice guy to use the data on and make it look prettier and more user friendly. This is a really nice resource, especially given that you can edit it, but on the end user side, it sucks. As in, you need some people to extract useful stuff from it and present it in a beautiful way. You can't click on anything on openstreetmap, unless you're editing something. Still, i find it much more useful to find points of interest in my city than the lovely google maps, which is becoming a burden (especially the new version). This one is light and all the possible layers are awesome. I have no idea why i haven't heard of this before and why i haven't been using it for years! Well, i hope at least one more person learns about it from me and passes it on. That would really be nice. Last night i also went out to meet some friends, to celebrate the birthday of one of my oldest friends (old in the sense that we've been friends for around 12 years, that's half our lives!). We had a bit of fun, i drank a whole lot of juice and made two crochet cups for what will soon become a really pretty crochet bra. It's crazy, i know, but i like it so much. And yes, it did induce a few funny conversations.

Today i've also stuck the first sticker to my computer, my poor Leela. It will peel off soon, since it's right next to the keyboard, where i keep my hand the most time. I just couldn't resist it. When i see kids with tens of stickers, it reminds me of old times when my classmate used to write band names on her backpack because she thought it was cool (no, we did not have patches back then or at least we didn't have access to them/couldn't afford them). I don't like labels. Sure, these stickers are cute and represent a sort of a witness to the history of that one computer and its owner, but i'm less extroverted. I wouldn't show my history to everyone just like that, even though i don't hide it. It's so odd.

This event has been a really nice opportunity to talk to and get to know some people who i've never really spent time with, to create something together. We'll see tomorrow how we put everything together. The work hasn't been very coordinated and i decided to lay low, to just be one of the team and not take the lead, i passed the leading on to my friend, the helpful sheep (of course his hair is curly, most of my favorite people have curly hair, it's so mind boggling... just odd). I'm learning. Making different stuff, seeing what's needed, trying to use my skills to contribute... Tomorrow is the end of this beautiful event and i can't wait to see what happens in the afternoon. I need my sleep now, though :D

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