Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Reading about pores every day is just weird, but that's what i must do. Asking questions and looking for answers in the literature. There are no answers there, only more questions.
I don't know what made me skip writing for so long. I've started living too much, there is not enough time for this any more, unfortunately. For almost two weeks, I replaced writing with yoga (i've been skipping days because i just get home so late and i need to get to bed, to catch enough sleep so that the next day i'm able to work), but now i don't even have time for that.
So i take myself out on my bike and i love returning home at 11 in the evening, no cars in sight, silence, warm, clean air. I've learned how to cross my bridge without changing speeds (i have no idea what the bike terminology in English is) and that makes me extremely happy. For a week now i've been having intense feelings and i don't know what to do with them. They are for someone completely unexpected (for me, since i have a hunch he's had a crush on me for almost two years...).
He reminds me of my love story a year ago. See, the thing is my lovely possibly-future-pilot friend is too far away now for anything. Not only physically, he couldn't care less about me and our friendship (i won't call it a relationship, that would require actual communication), so i'm tired of trying to be his friend when he obviously doesn't want me to. Still, i don't want to be the one who says one thing and does the exact opposite (i should rather stop promising myself/others things, so then i don't have these things on my mind and do just whatever the hell i want), although i have a hunch that's exactly what's going to happen.
This past week has been like a dream (in a good way and in a bad way..). It started with my new 'friend' fixing his bike at my place because he was close anyway and had to change/fix something critical (a transmission cable) and i had his multifunctional tool (well, now i have my own, muhaha), so we had to meet somewhere and i wasn't yet ready to go out. Then we went searching for stuff in the market. All the stalls and shops were closed, so we just retreated for a beer and half a pizza in the most piți filled place you can find in that neighborhood.
On Saturday we went for a late bike ride, where we explored the sad, brown hills (it's not spring yet), got slightly rained on (i enjoyed it) and then i crashed just before we reached the lake. It was magical how i flew and fell with a splat on my thighs and elbows. I have a bruise the size of China on my right leg. He didn't catch that, he was far away already and had to return to see me getting my bike back in shape.
That evening he accompanied me to three meetings with many people (there should have been one more event, but it was late and we were tired) and i realized what a social person i am, actually, if i have so many people to meet with in only one evening. It was awesome. I had made some puff pastries for Pi(e) day and everyone loved them! Yay. Next day, we started in the morning on our way to a gorge where we were going to climb up a via ferrata. No luck there, the line had been destroyed by someone and we just improvised.
Towards the end, i managed to fall to my doom for a few meters on a really slippery and steep slope and he caught me heroically (he was at the end of the line i had secured myself to). Two accidents in two days for a person who's always calculated and controlled... I've either lost my touch on reality or i'm really so into this guy that i stopped thinking. Funny thing is that i wasn't at all afraid. No anxiety, no whining, nada. I would just pick myself up, plant a stupid smile on my face and say everything is all right. I know how to fall. If i'm relaxed while falling, nothing happens, just like when drunk people fall and they wake up with no bruises.
Yesterday, after meeting with another friend of mine, we spent a few hours together. We didn't do much, didn't even talk too much, but i have a hunch that a lot more was happening beneath the surface. In my case, at least, there were tons of hormones, pheromones and neurotransmitters jittering about at astronomical speeds. He joined me for an alternative milonga (thankfully, it was alternative and the music didn't scare him and my lack of tango shoes didn't make the other guys not invite me to dance).
Somehow, from touching now and then, our hands found each other and by the end of the milonga (it was almost 12), they wouldn't let go any more. He'd been playing with my hands for a few days, touching them just for a moment to catch my attention. And not just my hands. This playfulness drives me nuts (not in a bad way, mind you). I wish he doesn't forget about this even if we get closer. It's one of the most pleasant things two people can do. Touching as if the other person is fragile and somewhat off-limits, not as if they are your possession.
If you want to create desire in someone, don't invade their personal space. Smile, get somewhat close (closer than a stranger on the street) and casually, while bringing up a new conversation topic, slightly touch them in areas that normally are not considered intimate - the hands, shoulders, elbows, back, knees. The neck might be a bit more difficult to get to, but if you can pull it off without being obvious... Those places are actually intimate if you know how to treat them. They're sensitive if you don't overdo it. It helps if you're also confident and yourself, but not creepy, while emanating an air of trust.
Being trustworthy is so incredibly attractive. And telling the other person that you trust them (only when you actually do) is such a trust booster. He's been doing this for the past few days and i can't believe how much energy and passion and love for life this has brought me. I don't know if he's doing it just to help me or if he actually believes it, but it works either way. Tell your loved ones you trust them more often. You'll see how they start to bloom (and possibly do a lot of stupid stuff like i did, but making mistakes is the proper way of learning...).

It might be that i only write when i'm down because i need to let go of my feelings, just like many other people do. When you're happy you don't whine about how happy you are. You just are. But since i decided that this should be something i do quite often (all right, maybe not every day), i'll do it even if i feel like flying. I must.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


We won a prize! The prize is called 'nice hack' and i took it to mean that we made it look pretty. Actually, that was just the generic name for the third prize, but i'll still consider it a validation of the visual quality of our presentation. After all, we didn't do anything groundbreaking, nor deserving of a prize, so maybe the fact that our project was pretty (and very user friendly) might have prompted the jury to give us a 'nice hack' prize. Either way, i love it and i love my team even more. We had no argument, we got along like peanut butter and jam, it was so awesome! I did not know you could work like that with a team. Sure, i've won things with my team before, but we had some people who didn't actually contribute. I don't know how we ended up with such a nice bunch of people, but it was worth my weekend, definitely. I said two weeks ago that i was willing to sacrifice this weekend in the name of a good cause, i didn't have to sacrifice it, it was such a pleasure! I rode my bike to the academy (yes, it's an academy like the one that thought me a whole lot of stuff) every time (three times), better each time. It feels better every day, especially since the spring is obviously around the corner. I can't wait for summer to be able to go on long trips. Still, it's all right, we'll build everything slowly. Today i didn't feel like doing the fifth day in the yoga challenge, i finished a crochet bra that i started two days ago (and which looks awesome! it's also a bit too large for me). I'm looking forward to finishing the thing that i actually wanted to make when i started this bra, a tank top that's all frilly and stuff. It's really pretty. You just need to count the proper number of stitches before starting the project.

I realized yesterday that i hadn't written enough to qualify for my 750 words, but i was so happy and tired that i didn't really care and published my text the way it was. Now i'd like to discuss something odd, something that nobody in this world would be interested to hear or read, which is why i'm writing it here, on my pseudo-anonymous blog which gets hits form the US, even though i have no idea how or why (probably bouncers, too, since i don't know anyone crazy enough to read this load of fluffy crap). Since i started the yoga challenge, i felt like i could let go (yes, my goal and thought while practicing is letting go - when i have time to think, since most of the time Adrienne speaks and sometimes makes me burst into laughter during very strange positions) and have let my feelings toward my very special one go. I disconnected from those feelings of attachment and that need for a constant connection, the need for my questions (addressed to him) to be answered. It was so awesome (still is, hehe), but i got a really odd side effect. In the past three nights i've had two dreams about him and they were both quite nice (you know what i mean), pleasant dreams that i remember partly, especially because they happened just before the alarm went off. Who knows how many there were without me remembering them... And this situation is stranger the more i think about it. I was so relaxed these days and looked around for interesting people (we had quite a lot at the hackathon) and the more i looked around, the more important he seemed to me. I just felt like i couldn't break that connection. The connection was there, there was no need for me to try and reinforce it or validate it or anything at all. It just was. And that's beautiful...

Saturday, February 21, 2015


I've skipped the past two days. Why? Well, being tired and very busy mostly translated into no time at all for writing. I have no idea what I did on Thursday evening, though. My memory of that evening has faded. Wow... Right now i can't imagine what i did that evening. Oh right, i did the second day in my yoga challenge and something happened that i was too tired for anything else. Yesterday i went to the launch of a really nice event, full of kids and a few older guys, my first hackathon. Sure, i can't really contribute with actual code, but i can find out information and make pretty icons, which i did all day today. Somehow we found a nice guy to use the data on and make it look prettier and more user friendly. This is a really nice resource, especially given that you can edit it, but on the end user side, it sucks. As in, you need some people to extract useful stuff from it and present it in a beautiful way. You can't click on anything on openstreetmap, unless you're editing something. Still, i find it much more useful to find points of interest in my city than the lovely google maps, which is becoming a burden (especially the new version). This one is light and all the possible layers are awesome. I have no idea why i haven't heard of this before and why i haven't been using it for years! Well, i hope at least one more person learns about it from me and passes it on. That would really be nice. Last night i also went out to meet some friends, to celebrate the birthday of one of my oldest friends (old in the sense that we've been friends for around 12 years, that's half our lives!). We had a bit of fun, i drank a whole lot of juice and made two crochet cups for what will soon become a really pretty crochet bra. It's crazy, i know, but i like it so much. And yes, it did induce a few funny conversations.

Today i've also stuck the first sticker to my computer, my poor Leela. It will peel off soon, since it's right next to the keyboard, where i keep my hand the most time. I just couldn't resist it. When i see kids with tens of stickers, it reminds me of old times when my classmate used to write band names on her backpack because she thought it was cool (no, we did not have patches back then or at least we didn't have access to them/couldn't afford them). I don't like labels. Sure, these stickers are cute and represent a sort of a witness to the history of that one computer and its owner, but i'm less extroverted. I wouldn't show my history to everyone just like that, even though i don't hide it. It's so odd.

This event has been a really nice opportunity to talk to and get to know some people who i've never really spent time with, to create something together. We'll see tomorrow how we put everything together. The work hasn't been very coordinated and i decided to lay low, to just be one of the team and not take the lead, i passed the leading on to my friend, the helpful sheep (of course his hair is curly, most of my favorite people have curly hair, it's so mind boggling... just odd). I'm learning. Making different stuff, seeing what's needed, trying to use my skills to contribute... Tomorrow is the end of this beautiful event and i can't wait to see what happens in the afternoon. I need my sleep now, though :D

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Another day goes by, the cold is still in my bones, but at least i started a 30 day yoga challenge. Sure, during the weekend i might ignore it (just a little bit, that's what happens when you plan on taking part in hackathons), but it starts nicely. I never really did learn yoga beyond the breathing and i think it's quite important. Traveling by bike to my university is not an option now that some wise guys have decided that february was the perfect time to start exploding the whole street, so that the traffic is so bad that i'd rather walk to school. Still, i'm looking forward to some reason to go biking through the city. Since i can't do that every day, a little bit of yoga on the side might help. I might also help my poor heart, that's going crazy. How does one fall out of love with someone they haven't had any significant time with for years on end? (hey, those few hours do not count as significant time. nor did the time in the beginning count, except for that evening of storytelling, which was quite nice) It's getting to me. So maybe focusing on meditation will help. Either way, my head is clearer today.

I had to turn down a potential hourly job as a freelancer. Hey, i might be available, but that does not mean i'm desperate (yes, i am talking about freelancing, but now that i think of it, everyone might interpret it as being about relationships... well, it's valid either way). I'm not a slave and my mental power should be used for building stuff, not for google-ing stuff for people who are too lazy to look stuff up for themselves. I mean, would you really pay someone actual money to do something you could have done while you were getting your money out of your pocket? Those tasks had nothing to do with an actual ability. They were just for rich people who don't know who to pay 50 cents to do a 10 minute job. And being 'on call' for this kind of stuff? No, thank you. I will not sit on the edge of my seat waiting for some lame-o to write/call me on skype to tell me to google them a product or a service that's so basic even their kid could do it from their own phone. I'm doing that already for other reasons (well, not actually, i'm tired of waiting on the edge of my seat for people to react to what i tell them. who cares when/if they react? they can react in a year, for all i care. yes, 'the woman', i'm talking about you, you stuck-up event organized for pseudo women who pretend to be real people by spending more than half of their waking time choosing clothes and putting up makeup). I don't get these guys who say 'oh, look at us, we're so glamorous' and they're actually shitty people who can't answer a lame question. And then to expect me to give you money? Haha, yes, that was a funny joke. Sure, a joke that lasted for a year. Damn their stuckupness. Do not do business with that kind of people who endorse each other in their tiny circle, but are actually really lame when faced with an actual challenge. It's the same thing on the 'blogosphere' and the same thing in academia. Some guys/gals gang up and support each other and then start shouting 'oh, look, we are so awesome' and nobody cares. Because you're not awesome when you say that about yourself or your friend says that about you because you say that about them. You're awesome when people who meet you can't stop themselves from coming closer to see if you really are like that and then they can't help themselves and have to tell you. Because you're awesome. When that happens, it means you're not a shitty person who can't answer a simple question on their social media page from one of their potential customers.

All right, now that that's over, a little bit of time for my story. I kinda' know my setting, i 'built' a house and all of its heating/venting installation for a project a for a class two years ago. Almost two years ago. I can't believe it's been so long. I think i need to revise those plans, but the main idea is the same. Even if we'll have more rooms (possibly), the idea is that the main area for most of the events will be the school and its surroundings.

Yes, it's a school, it doesn't yet have a name, it's a tiny school, more like a permanent camp. Each class lives there for one entire year (no vacations, sorry) and there is only one class. One age group. After a few years, the older kids come by for 'experience exchange', to see how the program has improved and teach the new kids what they wished they'd known as they began their adventures. The staff (teachers, mostly) live there at all times. There is no 'magic', but there is a lot of technology and a lot of nature, which for me is the same thing as magic. The school is at the edge of a small village in the mountains, surrounded by forests, next to a river, in its tiny valley. All the slopes around are steep, but gorgeously green for the most part of the year (the summer drought does not extend its greedy paws between the mountains), the river is quite angry at times, full and dangerous, there are cows on pastures and sheep, wild animals in the woods and a very narrow access road. There is only one way out, towards 'civilization'. There are many possible details, i might get into them after i find my project.

Uuu, what's next?

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


I've got mixed feelings about a lot of stuff now. I had a nap earlier, trying to offset my fatigue from... i don't really know what caused it. Probably because of my contact lenses which are getting worn down, i've been using them for four weeks. It seems like they don't last longer if you take them off and care for them. I may change them tomorrow or the day after. I'd rather have a full day's energy than use them one day longer. I also got some magnesium supplements today, since it seems like i'm not friends with this element and kind of need an extra helping. It's odd that you can find the same active substance in various forms and for triple the prices. I don't get this pharma industry. I mean, i know they want profits no matter what. The pharmacist was sad that i chose the cheapest supplement. It's just a jelly bean with a bit of magnesium in it, do you really think that i'll spend half my scholarship on it? Think again! It's not really *that* expensive, but it is quite a bit. And to think of the people who gobble up tens of pills a day. I'm against pills, but my lifestyle has been quite chaotic for the past almost six years, living in all the weirdest places, i've rationalized this decision. But taking all those other useless supplements that i once wrote about... That's just stupid. If you have the money to buy that shit you can reorganize your life and make room for a little bit of greener food and a bit more sport. And that is what i did with my own life. More sport, meaning i'll take the bike to the university every morning, now that i even bought myself a little pump (that was a useless investment, well, maybe not on the long run, who knows where it'll end up). I wanted to go dancing tonight, but i was too tired to get up from my nap and go out. I'm falling asleep as i'm typing, that's why it's going so slow. I did do some progress on our article today, the one about the quartz and stuff. Seems like my lab colleague left me the task of writing out our observations and conclusions about the results. I think it's for the better, since it would have been daunting to try and decipher what she's trying to say in English and translate it into a discernible bit of text. It's easier to just write those out myself. It's not easy to explain what's going on, though, since we're at a frontier in science and nobody really knows what the hell is going on in there. So i'm just pulling guesses. The funniest part is that not even the professor can tell my i'm wrong. He knows a whole lot about NMR, not so much about concrete and chemistry (that's my thing now). So he can agree or disagree with my/our ideas without giving a reason why. Let's just hope that it is what's actually happening. I won't make any bold assumptions, but one must make some when faced with hard facts. Yeah, i like the sound of that. Nowadays i see concrete everywhere. As a building material and as a concept of something durable and clear. Odd how the word has ramified in time.

I told you i had some mixed feelings. It's because i'm stupid and trying to keep up with my lovely friend is doing (you know that it's the same person because i always use some kind of cheesy adjective when talking about him because i can't get myself to call him anything else yet, since he's my friend and has been my crush for too many years so i can't really call him my crush any more, nor anything else), so i read his updates on this stupid social media. One day it's a nice one, the other is like a blow to the head. He shares my work with his friends (which is quite sweet, considering that his closest friends live all over the world and couldn't give a rat's ass about pretty flower accessories), then he posts some melancholic song about a lost love. It's like i could interpret it as a subliminal message, but i don't want to, since i'm not that important, or am i? And i can't ask because it makes me feel self conscious to the point that i'm too emotional about it no matter the answer. So if i care i shouldn't know the truth because it affects me? I want to know the truth, he doesn't want me to, because he thinks that i'll go crazy or something. I think that's a stupid assumption, since if i know the reasoning behind something, i won't think of all the alternatives. The best would be to just ignore all this activity. If something were directed at me, he should just tell me, right? But he won't, because he 'cares' too much to not tell me. This is a stupid loop and i must get out of it. My bike and my work are two answers to this problem. Just be the best you can every day, meet people, make stuff, enjoy the coming spring and don't forget about that magnesium. Somehow it makes my day brighter. Sucks to depend upon something like that. It's like coffee for other people. I can't stand its smell or taste and it also has a lot of detrimental effects. Tea helps, but only temporarily and it drives me into frenzies. I should give up all my sources of sugar, i think. Or just work out more. This is difficult.

I didn't say anything about the next characters because i wanted to get everything (part of it) off my mind, but it seems like it's going to have to happen in parallel. Every day i need this space for letting go of thoughts and ideas that don't need to pollute my mind (part of them go down into my work diary, but i can't put nasty thoughts in there because it stays in the laboratory overnight and over the weekends, so it's sort of public). But i also need to work on my project, which i can do after i reach my balance, zen so to speak and have warmed up my fingers.
Some more characters:

- the musician - she's also passionate about the environment and hands-on education, she's sporty and loves to ski (just like the engineer), hiking and spending time outdoors; she plays the violin professionally and teaches music lessons; she also sings and has a really nice voice which needs a bit more action (more training!); she's very patient and has the most contagious laugh, which she shares freely; she sometimes starts singing randomly; she's also very spiritual and can create a good balance with the more agnostic characters; oddly enough, the engineer shares some of her views on religion;
All of these characters have in common the fact that they mostly know each other quite well or they feel like they have known each other for their whole lives. They are all quite young (in their early thirties), but have been through a lot, even for their young age.
Who i also need are:
  • the carpenter/handyman - someone who can teach everyone else anything about building and fixing stuff;
  • the programmer - a person who's very much into anything relating to technology, knows the ins and outs of computers, servers, the internet, mobile phones and more modern technology - have two potential candidates, must analyze them a bit before allowing them to be my programmer, they need to be trustworthy; 
  • the cook - i'm not even sure whether it's a gal or a guy, there a quite a few potential people who could fill this role - i might just end up inventing one from scratch, but i'm sure it wouldn't be as awesome as actually having someone who loves cooking and baking;
  • other teachers - who? we'll see;
  • the kids;
  • the parents; 
  • the locals;
  • the professionals who visit for workshops;
  • some others who i don't know right now...

Monday, February 16, 2015


Things are changing, yes. My mind is constantly changing. Exchanging information with the world. Today i realized that the internet is my superpower. That is, without it i am a pretty awesome human being and can do quite a lot. But with it... pff, i get wings. I make such leaps as could not be possible without such a smart creation as the internet and all the sources that fuel it every day. If some of the servers that i use every day would one day disconnect from this network, well, that would be a really sad day. And a superpowerless day. For i would turn to just an above average human being. Why am i calling myself above average? Well, don't we all? Who likes to accept that they are below average. But no, it's not because of my huge ego. I have it under control. It has its uses. It's because, since i was a kid, i kept improving. Consciously. For a while now i've had something on my mind, being the best person i can be every day. You see, without wanting to and doing this, many people just stay where they are, every day. No challenges, no lessons, no change, nothing new. If you learn something every day (even when you have no idea what that was, but you know that your day was not like the one before it), then you get a chance to improve. And become better. Every single day. Better than the day before. Better than your own average. The next time i tell someone i'm better than average, i'll also mention whose average. Mine. We like to be seen as individuals. How can i compare myself with the next person? I'm better at grammar than they are, but i bet i'm not as good at social interactions. I may be better at typing (haha, not really), but they're probably better at... i don't know, we'll find something.

Now that that's over, let's talk about something more down to earth. I've been reading today a bit about freelancing, since it's becoming more and more of a thing in my life. I didn't actually start it as a desperate person looking for work, more like a soon-to-be graduate looking for a place to get some extra experience. There is no money to be made from freelancing in the beginning. First months, years, depending on how much you care for that kind of work. I started nicely, two years ago. I can't believe it's been two years. I got a really badly paying job in order to get my first feedback. Of course it had to be the best, so i did my best, even for that meager pay and for those awful hours (i was working while taking part in a paid training program - that was not fun). I learned that Australia was the country with the happiest citizens. It's funny that, after i stopped working on that 'project' (did i mention that i really did a very good job, even though it was not expected, given the pay), a year passed and i completely forgot about any of the two platforms that i had an account on (that actually merged sometime last year - i did know about that) and then i got to work with an Australian team. That was fun. Tiring, but fun. Now that i don't have a task that i dread to do (somewhat), my day feels empty. There's still much more to be done.

Wow, i just had the most amazing and inspiring conversation, mostly on my own (yes, if that sounds sad, it is). While talking to a friend, i let it slip (as i always do, rarely with any success at bringing any smiles about) that in two years i'll be the person knowing most about concrete in this country. Doing research on it, at the micro level, that i hope will be the case. She mentioned that we might make a special edition of 5MS (five minute speeches) for me to talk about concrete (i'm not really into talking, but i need to get prepared for the future, so i make myself go through this training until it stops being uncomfortable). Which sparked an idea. If others can have science cafes and other meetings like that, why wouldn't we? Yesterday or the day before i read about such informal events where normal people get to find out from the researchers themselves what they are studying and what it means. I think that would be cool if we blended it with the structure of 5MS. We could call it Scientific 5MS, it can happen every month, like the original, no need for an entry fee or prizes, since it would not be about public speaking, but about research and science. This way, it can last for an hour, 6 speeches, we can then have a tea or something with our friends and talk about it.

Aand... i just watched a commercial directed at the parents who keep their daughters in imaginary castles and don't let them get dirty and explore the world because they're pretty little princesses. I was lucky to not be one of those. I played with mud (and still do), had my share of cow/chicken love, helped my dad and my uncle build/repair stuff and they never told me to go away because i'm too weak or something. They were always happy for the help. Sometimes i remember and am so grateful for having the occasion/opportunity to not turn into a princess. I may have hated myself my whole life. Maybe that's why i don't like these fake-ass piți that i meet every day. The really thin/fragile ones that spend waaaay too much time grooming themselves. I also think that's the reason why, after the first months of getting to know each other, i now get along so well with my lab colleague, now a post-doc. We're both the kind of woman who is unafraid to clasp that hammer or pliers and repair that thing that just went crazy in the lab. You get what i mean. That's why i have a workshop full of tools instead of crates of makeup products. That's why i have a sewing machine and a gazillion pieces of fabric lying around, waiting to be transformed, instead of throwing my money at cheap stuff then throwing the cheap stuff away to make more space for new cheap stuff.


It's past half past midnight, but i didn't do my writing today (well, not here, i did do a bit of writing... 1600 word-ish, for a project), so i can't go to sleep. I could, but that would not be fair. I should really stop working before 11 if i want to get to sleep my 8 hours a night (and they're not even enough for my brain, it needs time to catch up with all the stuff that i think of during the day). Still, there's not much to say for today except the fact that i didn't actually go for a ride in the morning because i was lazy, needed a good shower and a friend called me, telling me she'd be over in one and a half hours. Not nearly enough time to eat, wash and take a ride. So i just did some stuff around the house that i don't really remember clearly. I think i read some stuff about a career in aviation and how that's getting to a sad end in the USA (hopefully, not in the rest of the world as well). That took quite a while. I wanted to know how soon pilots retire. Apparently, some don't even get enough money put to the side to get a retirement fund. How is that possible? Here in Romania we must pay 31% of our salaries (or income, in the more special cases, like mine) for the pension fund. You don't get to say 'nah, maybe next month'. The old people need their tiny pensions that they get from the working people because someone ate up their actual retirement funds (and probably built their own house on the beach/in the mountains) and now there is no money left for old people. Except that 31%. The people who think that money gets invested are fools. It's a joke. There is no investment in this country. Which is why i have a bad feeling about working in this country. Which is why i'm thinking about leaving. I didn't want to, but i may have to. At least until i can get a good enough income online to be able to work from practically anywhere i have an internet connection (and even without one, for creative writing you don't really need internet - actually i do, because i'm a compulsive reader, but i could deal with that). And then i'll be able to implement my plan, which will have been written in my super awesome book. Speaking of which, the main teacher characters are actually some people i know and love. Well, the characters will be based on them. I'm sure they wouldn't actually act like i mean them to (well, they might, since i know them pretty well, but i'd rather not make a caricature out of actual human beings that i respect as a whole). A short list would be (i need names for them, blah):
my character, obviously - the queen bee - the crazy lady who loves chickens, can't breathe properly, likes to read, but is really pretentious about what she reads, can recommend literature to read/go to to any person interested in any subject (is a sort of happy combination between google and wikipedia, but without the actual details), loves to hike, even though she's not that good of an athlete, teaches dance classes and breathing lessons alongside biology and geomorphology and is always looking at ways of improving oneself (none of that self-help/dezvoltare personală stuff that's been haunting us for the last century, just the actual thing);
her best friend - the hyperbunny - a tiny woman who's always on the move, gets crazy ideas for people to implement (and they turn out pretty funny in the end, actually), is like a magnet for kids and adults alike and completes the first character - actually, they complete each other and communicate easily, by making fun of everything that is wrong with society and things in general - she doesn't listen most of the time, unless you have something new or exciting to share, in which case she'll share your enthusiasm; she's an everflowing source of energy, unless she really dislikes/doesn't understand what she's doing; she teaches German and non-formal education, she makes up games and adapts games from past experiences and, of course, invents all sorts of crazy things to do;
the engineer - he likes to take on challenges and show everyone that they actually mean nothing - what do you mean it's difficult to get in there? i'm in already - he learned from an early age that you only succeed with hard work and has a few achievements to show for it; he can teach you how to see things in a builder's world, but he's also soft inside and needs a lot of attention; he loves being around kids and has a sort of a 'recipe for success' that he's willing to share with the most hard working of them; he teaches maths and physics, but only to those who care about these subjects; he also has hands-on classes where he builds flying stuff with the kids.

I'll stop at these three for now, i'll take it off with the others tomorrow. I can't believe how easy this feels...